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http://jiangxi.hteacher.net 2017-01-09 13:50 江西教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]


1. Being dressed in traditional clothe “chi-pao”makes her look more confident and elegant when she visits foreign countries with her husband  B  .

A.for           B .as                  C.on            D.because of

2. --hey, lucy,You look    D  .

  -- Yeah,I can’t go to wuyuan with my friends for a 7-day vacation.

A. kind           B .relaxed                 C.excited            D.sad

3. --hey,Tom let’s go swimming .

  --Just a momrnt. I    C  a message.

A .send           B .sent                  C.am sending            D.have sent

4. --When did you decide to be an English teacher ?

  --Let me.See I am twenty and  I      to be one since ten.

A .have wanted         B .wanted       C.had been wanting       D.was wanting

5. Mr. White the principal has made a great   A   to the growth of the school.

A. contribution        B . progress          C. invention        D.protection

6.   B  the word of English songs        a good way  to learn English.

A. Memorize; is   B . Memorizing; is      C. Memorizing; are      D.Memorize; are

7. The teacher did all she could    B  us.

A. help           B . to help               C.helping           D.helped

8. --You’ve made big progress, but it is not good enough.

  --Yes,so I should try  C   .

A. hard           B . Hardly             C.harder            D.hardest

9. --Are you interested in shopping online ?

  --No, so muchu..We   A   see real products but pictures.

A .can’t         B .shouldn’t             C. mustn’t          D.needn’t

10. --Would you mind my sitting her ,sir?

   --     It’s for my wife.

A . Not at all   B .Certainly not    C.I’m of raid you can’t      D.All right

11. Knowing how to think clearly and to speak correctly    B   one confidence.

A . give        B .gives             C. Has gives           D.is given

12.As large number of Chinese flocked to Japan to pay thousands for toilet seats, it was a surprise to many people    D   the smart toilet lids.On sale in Japan were actually made in China.
A .whether         B . how            C. which          D.that

13.Teaching isn’t for everyone ,  A   I know I made the right careet  choise.

A .but         B . as            C.or            D.and

14.--I think student shouldn’t use mobile phones at school.

  --   D   .If they do so,they won’t concentrate an their studies.

A . I hope so        B . I don’t thinks       C.I’m afraid not        D.I aggress with you

15. It was soon after the economic crisis    D   sales of e-business stared to grow.

 A . why        B . how            C. where          D.that

16.Life is full of ups and downs and if I can help students avoid some potholes(坑洼)on the road of life, I wand to do   B   .

A .it         B . so            C. one          D.any

17. A study showed that classroom management   A   a teacher’s early organization skills.

A . Depended on        B .moved on             C. have on          D.any

18. ---Philip has gone to Net Zealand.

   ---oh,can you tell me    C  ?

A .when did he leave   B .when he is leaving   C.when he left       D.when is be leaving

19. I might speak English fluently if I   C   the chance stay in America for some time.

A . am being given      B .will be given         C. were given       D.would be given

20.Not until yesterday    D  anything about the new English teacher.

A . have I learned        B .I learned         C. that I learned      D.did I learn


You may be surprised to see children never suffered as a mistake.She following_21_may help you understand how rescuing children from all suffering creats weakness.

  A little boy as felt sorry for a butterfly struggling to emerge from its chrysalis(蛹)。 He decided to_22_the butterfly .So he peeled (拨开) the chrysalis open for the butterfly. The little boy was so_23_ to watch the butterfly spread its_24_ and fly off into the sky. Then he was horrified as he watcher the butterfly fall to the ground and die, because it did not have the muscle _25_to keep flying. In fact, the butterfly’s struggle to break away from the chrysalis, helps the butterfly become


  Like the little boy_26_ to often want to protect their children_27_struggle in the name of love .They don’t realize that their children needs to struggle to experience hardships,too deal with disappointment and to solve their own problems. _28_in the way can children struggle their emotional strengh, become strong-willed and develop the skills necessary for the even bigger struggles. The will meet thought their lives. Children experiencing suffering can _29_the ups and downs of life.

   However it isn’t helpful either in this case _30_parents and blame and shame to what the child is experiencing. Instead,parents can offer loving support. Then comes the toughpart-norescuing and no lectures.Simply allow him to discover that he can got ever his disappointment and carry out ,when he can do to get what he wants in the future.

21.A.saying     B.story        C.proverb    D.experiment

22.A.kiss       B.feed         C.resure     D. Help

23.A.excited    B.moved       C.puzzled    D.depressed

24.A.bit        B.fact         C.wings     D.festher

25.A.power     B.energy       C.force     D.strength

26.A.parents    B.relative      C.teachers   D.friends

27.A.of        B.from        C.for       D.with

28.A.because    B.bud        C.only      D.always

29.A.survive    B.predict      C.expect    D.avoid

30.A .away     B.whose       C.which    D.when

三、阅读理解  A 

“You look like you’ve had a toothache for the last six weeks”.Said Nancye .“Are you OK?”“Oh,sure.I’m just tired,”I lied ,unwillling to admin that  my becoming a teacher was a mistake and that I doubted where .I woula last that first year ,making it to November looked uncertain.

During the job interview ,interview,I impressed the principal and the English supervisor with confidence and enthusiasm even when they explained that the.Students assigned to me would be difficult and the program lacked books.The supervisor promised ,“Don’worry ,I’ll mentor you well work together”.

On the eve of my first day ,my mentor handed me box old books,and said , “you might find something useful here .Dorothy,I’m sorry ,I’ve accepted another job .I won’t be here ti help you”.She headed to her office to pack,leaving me surprised.

But Day one shook me teachers,say the first weeks are easy.With students eager to make a good impression .My student’s glazed eyes,angry faces and rude responses hinted we would have no honey moon.Still ,I believed my positive attitude would carry me.But it held no sway(控制)over kids biding their time until they could quit .School forever,I shopped for motivational strategies and educated myself on teaching at risk children. But the struggles only increased Within two weeks, a lamp in my throat.

One Sunday I was reading the following words, “The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry. So there was food everyday for everyone”. In those words,I found a sign that translated into “Don’t worry. You’ll make it until June.

At school the kids and the job did not change that much . But I did as I faced each day with confidence .Nancy even noticed that ,I was smiling again several weeks later ,the principal to say, “I am impresses. Yesterday. I stood outside your door. I never saw a teacher pears much out of those kids as you did.

“Thank you ,sir,” I answered . I know I have the power to change myself  and complete my teaching and become a better teacher in the process.
31.what DIDNF Dorothy want Nancy to know?

A. Hey plan to give up teaching

B. Her suffering from a toothache

C. Her regret for becoming a teacher

D. Her mistakes in the teaching courser

32.When the mentor left Dorothy    D  .

A. lost heart for lack of help

B. therw the box of old books away

C. hesitated about whether to continue teaching

D. was still confident to teach kids

33. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?

A. Dorothy didn’t get along well with her student

B. Dorothy left a good impression on her students

C. Dorothy would spend her honey moon in two weeks

D. Dorothy had a physical conflict with her students

34. What impressed the principal most.

A. Dorothy’s smiling face

B. Dorothy’s success in motivating the kids

C. Dorothy’s power to change herself

D. Dorothy’s calmness in teaching naughty kids

35. What may be the best title of the passage?

A. The Teaching strategy

B. The secret to learning

C. The New Teacher

D. The challenging Job

阅读理解  B

   According  to  a  recent  survey, teachers art  not  more  considered as good examples for students. The latter consider that the basis in their education is given by their parents at home .The education children receive in family  is  the must important for their life and the one that they should get in school is of  less importance.

   At  school,students have other things which  they  care than listening to the advice  some  teachers  try  to  give  them.They are  much  more  interested  in  being  well-dressed. In  skipping  classes  and  having  a  juice  or  a  coffee  in  a  nearby  bar  ,Teachers  are  just  persons  who  should  interfere  in  students  education.

   One  cause  of  this  attitude  students  have  can  be  represented  by  the  fact  that  young  teachers  don’t  know  to  put  their  respect  among  their  students. There  are  students  who  like  to  make  fun  of   their  teachers  because  they  find  weak  point  in  their  behavior, students even notice  the  face   that  some  of   their  teachers  are  not  well  prepared  and   take  this  in  their  advantage  that’s  why  they  say  these  teachers  can’t  be   examples   in   their   lives. 

   But  on  the  other  hand. It’s  not  only   about  the  degree  of  knowledge  teachers  hat  it  seems  that  students  are  not   interested  in  receiving  education  at   school. They  consider  this  is   not   at   home  in   family  from an early  age . They  see  school  as  an  environment  where  they  find  other  attractions ,making  friends  .seeing  the  latest  trends  in  fashion  being  away  from  home  part  of  the  day  and  at  last  learning  something  and   being  able  to  solve  some  test  papers.

  As  to  this  situation  in  education  the  minister  of  education  wants  to  take  some  decisions  in   order  to  change  this  . He  considers  has  to  be  a  major  factor  in  children’s   education.

36. What  is  passage  mainly  about?

A. BHow  to  make   students  respect  their  teacher  

B. Some bad  performances  of  students  in  school 

C. What  teachers  do  has  a  great  effect  on  their  students

D. Why  don’t  students  consider  their  teachers  as   good  examples  any  more? 

37. Which  of  the  following  is  NOT  REASON  that  causes  this  condition?

A . Parents are  students  main  teachers

B. Some  teachers  make  mistakes  in  teaching

C. The  govemment  dons’t  care  about  education   

D. Students  aren’t  interested  in  study 

38. What  does  the   underlined   phrase  “skipping   classes” in  pare  2   problen  mean?

A. Not  having  classes

B. Having  classes  at home 

C. Studing  in  the  library

D. Having classes in  higher  grodes 

39. What  can we  get   from  the   passage ?

A. Parents  now  play  a  very  importent  role  in  teaching  their   children 

B. Students   have  some   misunderstandings  about  teachers role

C. Teachers  don’t  need  to  care  about   students  opinions   about  them

D. Teacher  should  be  strict   with   their   students 

40.which  of  following  is   TRUE   according  to  the   passage?

A . The  education  children  get  in   family  is  more   importent  that  at  school

B. The  govermment  has  paid   less  attention   to  the  role   of   school 

C. Some  teachers  negative  attitudes  to  their   work  made  students   not  respcet them


D. The environment  at  the  school  is  very  importent  to  students  growth



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