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http://zhejiang.hteacher.net 2017-02-13 14:55 浙江教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]





1. D 口语交际题。很高兴在这里见到你。所以用Glad to meet you.回答。因此答案选 D。

2. D 考察介词的用法。从句意上解释为超越自我。因此用 D。

3. B 考察非谓语动词。由于句子后半句 working是非谓语动词,因此用 them,后半句是个


4. C 名词的辨析。句意“身份的象征”故选C。

5. B 根据句意,要带一个备用电池,以防正在使用的电池电量过低。因此选B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. D根据新课标要求,英语学习的策略包括认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略等。因此正确答案应该选择D。

10. B 根据新课标要求,教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序、教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。


11. D此题考查名词,根据语境可知选择D.

12. C 此题考查形容词,it’s+adj to do sth. 根据语境可知选择C.

13. A此题考查名词,根据下文The computer will give people the…可知选A.

14. D此题考查名词,固定短语the answer to the question问题的答案。

15. C 此题考查副词,因在句末故用too。

16. B 此题考查动词,根据句意可知选择see。(可视电话)

17. A此题考查代词,根据语境可知机器会做大量的工作,而不是全部工作。

18. C此题考查名词,根据上文可知,机器代替人做了大量工作,人们会有很多空闲时间,故选C,假期。

19. B 此题考查形容词,根据语境可知飞往月球是件令人高兴的事。

20. A此题考查介词短语,根据下文提示Just like a fish.可知选择A.在海洋。

第三节:阅读理解题 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)



21. B 细节理解题。根据第二自然段,可知有三种交通工具可以乘坐,坐公交,乘地铁,坐出租车。故选B。

22. B 词义猜测题。根据There are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue but you don’t have to pay a lot to stay in the city.得知Plaza是旅馆的名字。可知选B。

23. A 细节理解题。根据you have to pay a special 8% tax(税) on everything you buy in New York买一本10元的书,需拿税0.8元,故选A。

24. D 细节理解题。根据you shouldn't go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.应该爬爬自由女神像在那里能看到整个纽约,故选D。

25. A 根据But you don' t have to use the public transport-there are lots of places you can go to on foot,人们可以在纽约步行参观许多有趣的地方,故选A。




26. D 细节理解题。根据第一段提到“Come on! All of us are cutting math. Who wants to take that quiz? We’re going to take a walk and get lunch instead. Let’s go!” says the coolest kid in your class可知 来吧,我们全部都逃数学课,谁想做那个小测?不如我们出去散步,吃午饭,班里最酷的那个小孩说到,因此选D项。

27. D 推断题。根据第二段提到It’s something everyone has to deal with—even adults.这是每个人需要面对的同辈的压力,甚至大人也不例外,故选D项。

28. A 词意猜测。根据第三段提到Peers influence your life, even if you don’t realize it, just by spending time with you.即使你没有察觉,同辈也在影响着你的生活,故选A项。

29. C 推断题。根据最后一段提到They can help you feel much better and prepare you for the next time you face peer pressure.能有几个与自己有相同价值观的朋友很不错,因他们会在你不想做某事的时候支持你,故选C项。

30. B 主旨大意。本文讲述在成长的道路上,你往往要做出很多具有挑战性的决定,自己做这些决定很困难,当他人试图强迫你跟他们一样时,就难上加难,这是你就遇到了同辈压力,这是人人要面对的问题,你的父母和其它的成年人也不例外,故选B项。




31. h[eitʃ] 32. x[eks] 33. j[dʒeɪ] 34. welcome[ˈwelkəm] 35. desk[desk]

36. school[sku:l] 37. back[bæk] 38. sister[ˈsɪstə(r)] 39. twelve[twelv] 40. kite[kaɪt]


41. limited 42. body, gestures 43. understanding, techniques methods

44. arrangement freshness 10 pronunciation intonation



46. One of the best approaches of learning English is to speak it with native speakers.

47. When reading, don’t refer to the dictionary each time you come across a new word. Often the meaning of a new word is self-evident in the context.

48. Learning method varies from student to student. What is suitable for you may not be so for me.

【解析】what 引导的主语从句,what在从句中做主语。

49. High scores today do not necessarily mean great achievements in the future.

50. It will be easier to memorize difficult words or sentences if you associate them with visual things.

【解析】主将从现:在带有if引导的条件句或者when引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,当主句的谓语是将来时的时候,从句可以用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如if it rains, I will go for a walk tomorrow.

51. (1)美国一位医生发现让病人笑有助于他们更好的康复。






52. 设为九个级别。从三年级开设英语课程的学校,三、四年级应完成一级目标,五、六年级完成二级目标,七-九年级分别完成三、四、五级目标,高中阶段完成六、七、八级目标,第九级为外国语学校和外语特色学校高中毕业课程目标的指导级,该级别也可以作为部分学校少数英语特长学生基础教育阶段的培养方向。

53. 基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是:培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。

54. (1). 建立良好的师生关系

(2). 建立情感态度的沟通和相互交流的渠道。

(3). 结合外语学习内容讨论有关情感态度的问题。



55. Dear John,

Glad to tell you that great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past three years. First the natural scenery of Beijing is very beautiful. More highways have been built, which makes it very convenient for people to travel. There are also many modern and beautiful high buildings. As a result, people’s living conditions have been greatly improved. Besides, a great number of people enjoy themselves traveling and more people can afford and will go abroad to travel with the increase of income. By and by, cars and computers have made their way into millions of homes. With China’s economy developing quickly, more and more foreign companies have come to make an investment here. I’m looking forward to your visiting China soon.

Best wishes to you.



【亮点说明】范文使用了高级的短语和各种多变的句式:made their way into 进入,By and by不久, looking forward to盼望, Glad to tell you that great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past three years. 这句话使用了宾语从句,More highways have been built, which makes it very convenient for people to travel.这句话使用了非限制性定语从句和it做形式宾语, With China’s economy developing quickly, more and more foreign companies have come to make an investment here. 这句话使用了with复合结构,还有范文还使用了First,As a result, Besides,这样的关联词使文章更加连贯。

56. 【参考范文】

Save water

As is known to all that water is the origin of all things on the earth and there would be no life without it. Globally, 3/4 of the earth surface is covered with water. Unfortunately, however, the quantity of fresh water which can be drunk by people and cattle is rather limited. As a result, we shall attach great importance to the preservation of water.

In China, the cases of water shortage are frequently reported. An example in point here is the severe drought lasted for 3 years in Yunnan province. The hot weather and the absence of environmental awareness led to the water crisis. The supply of fresh water is strictly restricted, and people even emptied the drinking water at the supermarkets.

Faced with such a frightened situation, what are we supposed to do? I believe all sectors of society shall burden their responsibility. Everyone shall bear in mind the importance of water conservation. Scientists and experts shall work hand in hand to research the new methods to tap the valuable water resources. Only every member of society do their fair share, can we address the problem ultimately.


57. 一、要有崇高的教师职业道德







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