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http://zhejiang.hteacher.net 2017-02-13 14:58 浙江教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]




31. h[ ] 32. y[ ] 33. i[ ] 34. u[ ] 35. w [ ]

36. reading[ ] 37. shall[ ] 38. room[ ] 39. garden[ ] 40. story [ ]


41. ________________,rising in 1980s, is a foreign language teaching method emphasizing “learning by doing”.

42. In a __________ approach classroom, meaningful learning and meaningful practice are emphasized during the entire learning process.

43. In an Audio-lingual classroom, a dialogue is usually presented and memorized before specific __________ are picked out from it and later become the focus of drill exercises.

44. PPP stands for __________, practice and production.

45. _________ is a very common language learning activity where students play different roles and interact from the point of view of the roles they play.



46. 林老师督促我们就像督促自己的孩子一样。(drive/push sb. hard)

47. 李老师善于启发自己的学生,所以她能吸引住全班同学。(a magnet)(并列句)

48. 小英是高中生,她又乐于助人。你怎样表扬她都不为过。(never too much)

49. 明明又一次得全优,所以他会得到奖学金以示表彰。(in honor of)

50. 任何文化都要求礼仪得体。(welcome)

51. There has sprung up a heated discussion as to whether firecrackers should be banned in the cities. Although a good few people dismiss it as sheer nonsense, I think that it reflects a sensible attitude towards the issue of firecrackers.(1)

As a traditional way to celebrate the new year, setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by most Chinese people. For it can add to the festive atmosphere and offer an outlet for people’s pleasure and excitement. It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year. But these so-called merits are often offset by its undesirable effect. (2) For example, setting off firecrackers makes a tremendous noise and causes serious air pollution. (3) Sometimes the quantities of fly ash, smoke and carbon are too great for local environments to disperse rapidly. Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man’s life and property: every year there are many fire accidents and heavy casualties that are reported to be caused by it.(4)

True, to change a custom is not easy, and people are not ready for such drastic actions , but it will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities.(5)







52. 什么是形成性评价?为什么在英语教学过程中应以形成性评价为主?

53. 什么是教学的行为目标?教学准备中如何描述行为目标?

54. 如何在英语教学中渗透学习策略的培养?


55. 某英文报社就“关爱空巢老人”这一话题进行征文。请你根据所给提示写一篇英语短文投稿。内容主要包括:

1. 空巢老人越来越多的原因。2.他们面临的问题。3. 如何帮助他们。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数。

Old people that live alone with no family to take care of them are now called the empty-nest elderly.







56. 目前,很多在校学生存在着巨大心理压力,甚至有人会选择自杀这种极端方式结束压力。怎么帮助学生缓解心理危机成为社会热议话题,请你以“How to improve students’ mental health?”为话题发表你的看法。注意词数不少于 120字。


57. 谈一谈你平时对学生常用的评价方式及在英语教学过程中评价应注意的问题。



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