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http://zhejiang.hteacher.net 2019-08-14 09:07 浙江教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]


【解析】考查教学法内容。根据提干后半部分说的开放式问题不止一个答案,可知对应的为有唯一答案的问题,即Display questions。




【解析】考察词汇意义。Connotative meaning内涵意义与denotative meaning外延意义属于词汇意义的两个种类,是一对经常容易放在一起辨析的词,外延意义指的是直接意指,内涵意义指的是含蓄意指代。






46. Where there is a will, there is a way

47. I tried my best to understand what he said at the meeting.

48. Last year, he taught Chinese to the English in London.

49. It was so sad to think of those endangered animals.

50. The sight of that big tree reminded me of my childhood.

51. 举办现代奥运会的宗旨在于强健体魄,融教育于体育,促进世界和平,鼓励公正与平等竞争。但多年来,奥林匹克的格言“更快、更高、更强”一直促使科学家和运动员尽其所能达到新的水平。


52. 1.开发与利用教材资源,英语教材是英语课程资源的核心部分。

2. 开发与利用学校资源。英语课程应该充分开发和利用学校资源,如图书馆、语言实验室、音像设备等基本的和常规的教学设施。

3. 开发与利用网络资源。计算机和网络技术为学生个性化学习和自主学习创造了有利条件,为学生提供了适应信息时代需要的新的学习模式。

4. 开发与利用学生资源。学生资源蕴藏在每个学生的生活经历和学习体验之中,也隐藏在他们丰富的情感和活跃的思维之中。

53. 编写教案基本原则:1. 目的性原则。2. 多样性原则。3. 灵活性原则。4. 可操作性原则。5.可行性原则。6. 系统性原则。

54. 具体内容包括:

(1) 语言教学目的是培养交际能力;

(2) 教学内容符合学生的交际需求;

(3) 教学过程交际化。


55. 【参考答案】

Dear Tony,

I am glad to receive your letter. In response to your question about mobile payment in China, I’d like to introduce it to you.

It is generally believed that China is the largest mobile payment market. Nowhere else is the cashless trend more obvious than in China. Most of us are used to paying by scanning QR codes whatever we buy-books, clothes, and electronic devices, to name a few, which is a glimpse into the life of most Chinese like me and my family.

The mobile payment emerges resulting from the booming in e-commerce, for which cellphone and website are becoming common. In fact, mobile payment can be received in many circumstances, such as online and in stores, in China. Personally, I think mobile payment should be encouraged. First, it has won popularity both over consumers and shop owners with its convenience. Another advantage is that there are often discounts if you make mobile payment. The reason is that major online payment platforms are competing to have more consumers use their services.

If you visit China, I am sure you will fall in love with it. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!


Li Hua

56. 【参考答案】

Less Pressure, Better Life

Recently, the issue of heavy pressure in the fast-developing society has been brought into the spotlight. It is suggested that greater pressure can help life become greater. However, I am in favor of the opinion that less pressure makes better life.

Honestly speaking, less pressure can make your life full of happiness. First of all, if you are under less pressure, you will feel relaxed every day and have a positive attitude towards daily life, both of which can contribute to success of your life. What’s more, less pressure can encourage people working or studying to make more progress, while more pressure always make people upset and desperate, losing happiness of life and hope to the world.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that pressure is of great importance to people’s life. Such a thing, if controlled wisely, can contribute to a better life, which is also the premise of a better society.


57. What are you doing?

Step 1 Warming-up

T divides Ss into 4 groups to do actions with music. (eat/ drink/ read/ draw/ jump/ run/ swim/ fly)


Step 2 Leading-in

T takes out a ping-pong and plays ping-pong with actions. T asks “Do you like playing ping-pong? What am I doing now?”

设计意图:教师用直接法呈现一个乒乓球实物并做打乒乓球的动作,让学生直接感受,帮助学生快速明白 “What are you doing?”的意思。

Step 3 Presentation

T asks Ss : What can you do at home? Ss give different answers.

T: Can you guess what I can do at home? Look carefully (T does actions and Ss guess)

T: Yes, I can do the dishes. T invites a student to write the phrases on the blackboard.

T takes out a plate and does the action. “I am doing the dishes. Please try!”

Then T asks Ss “What are you doing?” Ss: “I am doing the dishes.”

设计意图:由free talk引入do the dishes,教师用创设情景法帮助学生在情景中感知短语的意思和句型的意思。

Step 4 Practice

1. Ss read the sentences after T. T pays attention Ss’ pronunciation. Then T and Ss play a game. Ss do the action of doing the dishes and when T says “stop”, the student who is taking the plate must say “I am doing the dishes.”

2. Listen to the tape. And do Role play.

T gives Ss two minutes to prepare and invites two groups to read the dialogue with actions. T gives them little stars.


Step 5 Consolidation

T divides Ss into groups of two to make dialogues with different phrases: drawing pictures, cooking dinner, reading a book.


Step 6 Summary

T invites Ss to summarize the knowledge they learned and T supplements. And T encourages Ss to help parents do some housework.

Step 7 Homework

1. Read the dialogue for five times.

2. Do housework at home.




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